Weekend mornings belong to me. I always wake up a few hours before Ryan, sometimes several. Take the dog out. Make coffee. Sit on the computer and check my old email account (a few of my relatives can't get it into their head that I don't use it anymore, so I feel obligated to check it out sometimes). Smoke lots of cigarettes. It's like I'm making up for the 20 minute scramble into work that I force myself into by not waking up until 10 minutes AFTER the last minute on the weekdays. I'll eventually get up and do things around the house, because I also have a generic rule of Not Cleaning during the week. But even the things that I find unpleasant (Dishes!) during the week are Mine on the weekdays, so I don't mind doing them. There is one exception, and that's putting away laundry, but I avoid that entirely by simply setting it aside for Ryan to do. Not that he likes it either, but he would rather put away the laundry than do everything else, so that makes it a perfectly reasonable arrangement. He also tends to do the mopping since he's better at it than I am. I make sure the floor looks wet and consider it mopped, whereas he carefully goes across the floor in a controlled back-and-forth motion, wringing out the mop frequently, and making sure the floor looks clean. He gets that chore by default. Don't ever
show a woman that you can do a chore better than she can, or you will forever have that chore as your very own.
one last happy code update...
Of course it didn't. Maybe it will this time.....
Four-forty on a Friday afternoon... it's both the greatest and worst time of the week. You know it's almost over with, but time has never gone so slowly.
So I set my hands on fire at lunch today. I had gloves on, because its cold enough that milk left in my car for over 24 hours was FINE, and I tried to light a cigarette. My glove caught fire and it freaked me out. I squealed and shook my hand around alot. On reflection, that was probably NOT the best of ideas. But it went out. Stunk alot, though.
And speaking of cold. I had to wear my big wool trench coat today. Its a nice ladies wool coat, very tailored and proper looking. Courtney's Mom gave it to me a few years ago when I was going to Paris. I needed it in Paris, and I really needed it in London. I have never been so cold in my life as I was in London. The thing weighs like 10 pounds, though. That's pretty heavy for a coat. And its long, which only works if you are walking alot. In Paris/London, you walk or you take the Metro (or the Tube- whatever). But in Mississippi, there is not only no need for such a large coat, but just try sitting down in your car with one on. It doesn't really work. And its the only warm coat I have right now, because I'm picky as all hell and I refuse to buy one until I find the right one. So I may very well be freezing to death, or smothering myself to death, until then.
I tried putting up a
webcounter, and I wonder will it work. I never get the code right on the first go.
Steve is SO going to hell. Ha!
That was just exactly as assy as I thought it was going to be, except worse. I went from 1:00- 4:45 with NO cigarette. And kids are very stupid sometimes. Usually the transfers are alot more with it than the freshmen, but this time I think we got the bottom of the barrell. They get grumpy when they have to take an 8:00 class, they get grumpy when they have to take an afternoon class, they get grumpy when you offer them a night class. So I was pretty snarky. But you can't expect to get all 10 and 11 o'clock classes when you wait til the last minute for shit. Its not MY fault. I have no patience for some people. Although usually I'm very sweet and smiley anyway, because I'm southern and its something that's ingrained. We learn at a very early age how to be charming and hateful at the same time. Today was just too yuck to deal with that, though.
Speaking of which, why am I blogging when I could be going
Oh, yeah, and did I mention that I don't get to go to LUNCH?!? SUCK!
That's it. The rest of my day is going to be incredibly Suck. I've got appointments coming out of my ass with new transfers (come in the FALL, dammit!!), which, at least, aren't freshmen. And they are making me advise in Holman 230, which is NOT my office. I love my office. It's MINE. And I have access to everything I could possibly need without even leaving my chair. No matter how much I try to prepare myself, there's always something I need to run down the hall for when they put me in 230. Its just annoying.
Aiight. Off to my ikky yukky day.
Got in at 7:00 a.m. this morning. Slept for 4 hours, then got up and went to work. At first, I thought this was fun. It was like this big NORMAL thing that I was doing, going to work. And I could pretend that I had slept in the past two weeks. It was regular. That ended after I realized I actually had to do
work, which I am very adamantly not doing. I keep trancing out into this semi dream-state where visions of spreadsheets dance in my head. This is not good, as there should be actual spreadsheets by the end of the day. Which is nearing.
Hullo. Long time no see. I swear I'm going into internet withdrawal, which is really pathetic. I've been busy though. Lots of driving. More driving coming up in about in about 30 minutes. Not looking forward to it at all.
So, Happy New Year.
Coming soon...
What I Did on My Christmas Vacation
Lots of Driving.