I've had an Effect On the Internet. Maybe.
GreyDuck has a round-up now, too (See the Tagboard). Alicia needs to quit being busy and do
As The Blog Turns again. And then maybe a rounding up epidemic will sweep the internet. That'd be neat.
*Happy Friday dancing*
Ryan and I are supposed to go to a wedding tomorrow. Our old neighbor, who rivaled Bridget Jones in her singleness, is finally tying the knot. Yay, Mindy! Anyway. We probably aren't going to go. For one, I'm just not in the mind set to deal with
posh, which I've no doubt it will be. Love her to death, but we tend to move in separate circles. I'm not really all about dressing up and putting my game face on for a bunch of lawyers and politicians.
Does this make me an evil bitch? I am feeling a little guilt.
I've also got to pick my boss up from the airport tomorrow night, which would mean that I would have to leave the reception after about 30 minutes (and no getting my drink on. Isn't that the entire point of going to a wedding?). So that's my
real excuse. It works, right?
Get your
Porn Name - Mine's Tempest Moaner. Heeeee.
I think today will be better. First, no stabbing headache.
That's it, actually. But it's a damned good start.
I've got an awful stabbing headache today. I'm not sure why.
I went to bed early last night. I had a drink, but it was only one drink. It was 3 for 1 night at Murffs last night, and so I got the well drink. Maybe it's because it was assy bourbon. (Of course, I should've just got what I wanted, which would have been Jack, since I only ended up having one anyway. Although I still have my tickets- maybe I'll go back next week and have 2 free ones. Although again with the assy bourbon... ). I'm also really tired. Again-
I went to bed early, dammit! And I'm really stiff.
Ryan broke the bed. (Quit snickering. It wasn't even like that.) I think, actually, that Puck more or less broke it by insisting on climbing under it all the time even though he is far too big to be doing that anymore. Anyhoo, we've put the box springs and mattress on the floor, and have been sleeping on that. I would've thought that this might offer even better support, but not so. Instead, I wake up really stiff and uggy.
Despite all this, I'm in exceptionally good spirits. I just wish that it would all go away so I could better enjoy my good mood.
I'm working on a list of Things That I Would Like To Do Someday. Goals, if you will. When I'm done, I'll post them here.
Mweh. I want some coffee.
I have some, its just not good coffee. It's assy work coffee.
Ok. The
Weekly Round-Up, Take Two:
7/04/02 - 7/22/02
Note: First, let me just say. Do not expect the Weekly Round-Up at regular intervals. Like, say, on a weekly basis. I have given up trying to do anything on any schedule. However, I'm too lazy to rename it. So there. Second. You are lucky to have it today. I tried doing it earlier, and it was eaten by the Evil Lightening That Made The Electricity Go Out.
High Maintainence: Court has posted exatly once in 20 days. She has forsaken the internet in favor of getting some Ass.
Stupid O'Clock: Steve wants Ryan (and hence me) to die. This is the only explanation as to why he would suggest we stay in
this slimy hotel in the slums of Wildwood when we go to the shore in August. In addition to the annihilation of me, he also promotes the relocation of loud-mouthed bitches to California. Word.
Steve also now owes me, Alicia, and every other bargain-shopping girl who stumbles across the site $3 in compensation for products from
this line. Cuz... EEEW. Thanks a whole helluva lot, Steve.
Oh, and let's not forget Steve's plan to take over the world through VVSS (Viewed Vileness Shock Syndrome). I'm not even gonna go any further than that. My brain is still not healed.
Ryan's posts are largely unintelligible, due to heavy medication and lack of Nicotine. And there's poo.
Do You Mind?: Justine *GASP* got a boyfriend. See Above. (Although she did take the time to tell us about the
Canada Cup. Some nice girls braided her hair, and I bet it was really cute.)
ClusterFuck: Well. Crap. Apparently, the week of July 7th
never happened. It's not coming up in the archives. So, uh... let me wager a guess and say that 1) Seffie either pooed, puked, or knocked something over. Or maybe that was the week she climbed into the attic; 2) Alicia was tired; 3) Her job sucks.
Ok. Moving on to Actual Things That Happened. You can't just go on about your Big Boobs and how there are No Bras and Delia's sizes don't fit, and then talk about pink sketchers, ribbons in your hair, and a big LOLLIPOP and not expect nasty emails. Or at least your best friend to comment on the pornographic quality of such a post. I have this anime vision in my head, and let me TELL you. It ain't even right.
Her car has ceased to function properly, due to a CHEAP ASSED battery. Cuz sometimes, you shouldn't let your dad fix your car. Even if you are a girl with PINK SKETCHERS and PIGTAILS and A LOLLIPOP (Leaving out the breasts this time). Alicia has noticed the lurrve epidemic, and doesn't want anyone to give her The Look. Whether this be the Look of "Poor thing doesn't have a date," or "Gee, you look pretty good in pink! Most Red-heads don't," I don't know. She does not specify.
And Seffie (who simply
must make an appearance in the Round-Up, or it wouldn't be right) got stuck in the dresser. Which is actually kinda sad after you've finished laughing your ass off about it. Silly kitty.
And Bon Jovi rocks.
Chasm: Jen hasn't posted lately because... again, see above. (It IS an epidemic).