If you click on the links to the other pages, they exist! And not on geocities! There's still no content, but the worst is over. So there should be soon.
If you surf the net, then you've seen it. It pops up on your screen more times than you could probably count. You know what I'm talking about... yeah. That fucking ad. The Amazing X-cam.
Does anyone else find that ad utterly disturbing? Basically, it implies one of two things. If you're a male, then the ads basically suggest that you should plant one somewhere so that you can spy on Naked Chicks. If you're a woman, the ads imply that you should willingly put one somewhere and become naked in front of it. Live Nude Webcams or whatever. GROSS. I have to credit their marketing department for simultaneously assaulting you with those 2 different messages all in one little pop-up. I really hate that ad. Does anyone buy this? Because since the ad pops up all the time, they obviously spent a hell of a lot of money on advertising, which suggests to me that they must be profiting in some way. This is disturbing.
Who is buying this?
I will accept random people who want to have a webcam and do... whatever they wanna do. Not my thing, but thats ok. However, I don't think that's what people use this for. I mean, you can buy a webcam at Wal-mart for cheap, yo. Not neccessary to have the Amazing X-Cam (is anyone else saying that like "The Flying Car," or is that just me? Does anyone else even know what I am talking about with that
reference?). So... it must be being used for ill, then, right? Is this college boys placing in their dormrooms so that they can broadcast their soroity girl encounters to their buddies,
American Pie style? Is it dirty, nasty perverts planting them in the ladies bathroom? Is it crazy boyfriends/girlfriends who think their signifigant other is cheating on them, and secretly spying on them to "prove" it? Every single one of these options is utterly disturbing to me. I'm just SO tired of it.
My computer is acting funny. It's doing that freezey thing where, when you minimized a window, a portion of that window stays frozen on your screen. It builds up until it looks all wacky, and then it goes away. And then, it begins all over again.
Fucking XP. (I know its not necessarily an XP problem, I just wanted to say that).
I need some serious motivation today.
Oh, yeah. I got a tooth pulled yesterday. The one that I was going to have to have the root canal on. I looked at my insurance, and realized that a root canal would cost me $250, whereas just getting the damn thing pulled would cost $20. Who needs a 2nd molar, anyway?
I got an email today from Little Virgins with the text: "I bet you will like to see my Nake!" People, please. Please do not send unsolicited email to people who are
at work. Please do not send horribly constructed sentences with made-up words in them to people with English degrees, either. Jesus.
In other news, today is National Potato Chip Day. Or, maybe that was yesterday. Either way, WORD.
ok, there are, apparently, still a few kinks. I'll have to fix that.
You may notice that the reviews sections were
not put up yesterday afternoon as promised. Heh. Well, I changed the colors around, as you can see. I got distracted yesterday afternoon doing _this_. But the other was far too dark and dreary for me, and it was getting old. This, however, is happy and exceptionally blue, which is Me.
I can tell that it's getting near to play-off season (Hockey, for those of you who don't know me). Last night during the Philly/Toronto game, there was this sense of frantic urgency that you only get near and during the playoffs. It's like watching a different game. Every pass, everytime the puck nears comes near your end of the ice, your heart starts pounding. You barely notice it until your heart slams against your chest in time with a favorite player getting slammed up against the boards. Someone takes a shot, and that split second when the puck is flying, your heart just stops. Get the puck on the other end of the ice, and I don't even breathe. The energy is so BIG. I just love it.
Life management is like a complex filing system. You have the things you deal with everyday someplace easily accessible, like the file drawer that's in your desk. Sometimes you leave things scattered about on the desktop, too (some folk more than others. Like me). Then you have the filing cabinets that are not a part of your desk, but near enough so that you don't have to go far to retrieve them. For me, this is where things like money management, remembering to call that place in Memphis so they can fax me a copy of the receipt for my clavicle restraint, and cleaning the litterbox go. Then you get a whole nother room for the massive amounts of life that have to be kept, but you don't need every day, or even every week. These are things like memories (that time we were dancing to the Spice Girls in Huddle House), old friends you don't speak to any more, ex-boyfriends, 9th-grade biology... you know. And then you have a closet. A dark closet in the file room, nearly hidden by all the accumulated life that you've so neatly stowed away. The things in the closet... wouldn't be in the closet if I told you about them. But you know. And sometimes you have to go in there. It's not even something that happens on purpose sometimes. We are always creating new files, and sometimes you inadvertantly need to cross reference something seemingly innocent with something in the closet. But that's ok.
The interesting thing is actually being consciously aware of moving into the space of your brain that is the complex filing system, evaluating it, and creating an inactive file- one you don't even need yet... might not ever need, and clearing out space for it. Starting to cross-reference with things that could be important. Setting it up, just in case. Preparing, more or less. Trying not to cross-reference
too much, because then you've created it yourself when that isn't what you want to do. And once you've done that, then you leave the file room and go back to your desk. What I'm having for lunch today and all of that. But you don't forget about it, because it's there now. And once it's there, it don't leave.
And speaking of lunch (to be completely and utterly off-topic), mine was awesome. I made black beans and saffron rice with sour cream and cheddar cheese. Yum. There was cuddly on the couch with my bowl of beans and rice, my book, and my doggy. I really didn't want lunch to be over.
I think I'm going to try to get the really real reviews section up this afternoon. I also decided to move the rest of the site from geocities to anglefire, because geocities is pissing me off. So hopefully there will be productive site maintenance going on later this afternoon. Whoo Hoo!
In other news, Ryan and I found a house. A really real house. It's a 3 bedroom, and it has a fenced in backyard. Washer & Dryer, dishwasher, etc. Carport. In short, its a cute, cuddly little house. In a real neighborhood. And it's not falling to pieces. Scary.
We don't move until May, but I've already got visions of throw rugs dancing in my head. What paintings hang in which room. The curtains I want. Where the furniture goes. Even when I'm working on something else, I'm still decorating somewhere in the back of my head. It's only gonna get worse as time goes by, too. Because we are going to have start cleaning and packing. I'll think I have it all figured out, and then I'm going to see something I left out in my head, and it'll start all over again. Dammit.
Justin dumped Britney. That's
not? (It's still funny).
The little sis has a couple of blogs now. I've added the links on the sidebar.
Scottish people are crazy... that must be where I get it from (think Cootie-talk, Alicia!).