Someone farted in the elevator, and it stinks.
I forgot to mention that I have the best boyfriend ever. Because he bought me flowers, and they are beautiful. Valentine's Day
is stupid, but, hey. Milk it. It's nice to have a set aside day where you actually think about your relationship. What do you love about this person? Does he (or she) know that he is appreciated? The media makes it all out to be this big commercial chocolate teddy bear orgy fest, but it doesn't have to be. And I love my flowers. :)
The collarbone thing is really starting to hurt now. I wonder could it have to do with the fact that I woke up this morning lying on my left side. I did
not go to sleep that way. Before it was the ribs and the shoulder blades and whatnot. My head is kinda hurting again, too, but I'm ignoring that right now. I took some Muscle relaxers at lunch. They don't really help with the pain at all, they just sort of make you not care that its there. No loopiness, either. Just this sort of laid back "Whatever, Man. What-ever." Which is fine.
I feel kind of shallow that the pain doesn't hurt as much as my vanity. I have this restraint that's like padded back-pack straps with no pack. It's weird. And it is uncomfortable - It kinda chafes the armpits, you know? But you wear it under your clothes, and its really bulky. I realized that all my clothes are either a boat neck or a wide v-neck or tight. And non of those things go with big bulky football player padding. I went shopping on Saturday, and Ryan bought me all these cute new clothes (a belated Chrimah event). Of all my cute new things, I can wear one sweater and the pants I got, and, of course, my jacket. That's all. Cute new clothes are sitting on my dresser, not to be worn for 4-6 weeks. I hate that.
On a lighter note, I no longer have the waist-length princess hair. Not that it was. But I liked to pretend that it was all pretty and princess-y. It was more like this long mop that just kinda hung flat, so I constantly kept it in a little half pony-tail, which gave me hair-headaches because it was so long, and therefore, heavy. So, I got it hacked. It's about chin-length. I took a pic of Sarah Michelle Gellar right after her haircut (not now-- i noticed this last Buffy that its gotten longer) and told the woman "Do That." And she did, and it's cute.
The muscle relaxers tricked me. Before, I had the "whatever dude"...but now, I think I'm getting kinda loopy. Word.
So the reason I haven't posted in almost a week.... There was this car accident, involving Me. And
Alicia. And it was really really bad. I'm so sick of explaining what happened to everyone, so I'm only gonna give the brief version here. It was a hit and run. My car is totalled. My collarbone is broken, and we are both massively bruised (everyday I find a new one), but otherwise ok. They caught the bastard... he had a kid in the car. Ran a red going about 60 mph. In a car that was probably stolen. Driving with a suspended liscense. With 3 or 4 outstanding warrants already against him. He should be in jail for a good little while. We were wearing our seatbelts, and it saved our lives. If you want more detail than that, read
So many people stopped to help us. One lady even chased the guy down that hit us. Followed him after he ditched his car at the China Buffet, ran to Taco Bell, and waited for someone to come get him. Because of her, they took him away in handcuffs. Because of Anthony (we never got his last name), the police were on it immediately. He was on his cellphone calling 911 almost before it was even over. Because of Gwendolyn, I didn't have to stand out in the cold with no jacket, because she let me sit in her car until the police came. These people.... collectively they comforted Alicia and me, they got the police there, they kept us warm, and they caught the bad guy. These peolple are superheroes.
It occurred to me last night... would those same people have stopped before 9/11? I don't know. But I really wish that I could say "Thank You."