Halloween Costumes I Saw Last Night - The Good, the Bad, and the Downright Whore-y.
The Good:
There was a fabulous Sandra Dee.
I also saw a chick who wore a black tank with baggy sweats, one leg rolled up, and a band-aid across the cheek - Nelly. She pulled off the look perfectly- I thought it was cool.
We saw a group of people who, together, made up an entire pool ensemble. For the balls, each girl wore a large sweatshirt of the appropriate color/stripe with matching pants, and a number on the shirt. The cue had on wood-colored clothing from neck to toe with an odd blue cap - it was really fucking good.
Also of note - Scuba Steve, who won 2nd Place in the contest, a fab Kelley Osbourne, a very authentic-looking belly dancer, and a bad ass Wonder Woman. There were probably more than that, but those are the ones I remember.
(Let me say, too, that every one of my party falls into the "Good" category- Ryan was a dead pirate. We made his face look like it was frozen, complete with ice-encrusted eyebrows and goatee. Very cool. Alicia made a bitchin' Five-Year-Old, with band-aid on the knee and everything. Court was Glory (Of Buffy
fame), though most wouldn't have known it. Let's just say they were side-tracked by the cleavage. Dave's crafty sister made him a Scottish Warrior costume in less than an hour. It kicked ass, and looked like something he'd ordered from a catalog. Jen was a Pop Ho, with long legs and hair and pink streaks and boobies.)
The Bad:
Guy In a Bathrobe. Dude, what were you thinking? This very tall man in a very short bathrobe (scarily short) actually WON $100 for his costume. Complete Bullshit.
The French Maid. Not only is that the most unoriginal costume in all of costume-dom, but she didn't even have the sense to whore it up or make it fun. It sagged on her, and she looked really plain. And really lazy. Maybe because I know this girl from high school I'm being a little harsh. But I think she looked pretty stupid.
Butt Guy. Need I say more?
The Downright Whore-y
The Slut-Fairy.
The Hooters Girls, who wore FAR tighter and FAR shorter shorts than any Hooters girl I've ever seen, which is saying a lot. Who also bent over, face down, booty in the crotch of Tall Pimp Guy, and proceded to grind in a most disgusting manner- it was beyond hootchy-dancing and into the territory of scary porn. THIS IS NOT SEXY. THIS IS SLUTTY. There's a difference. I cannot even begin to explain how truly whore-iffic these two girls truly were.
Alicia sent this to me:
"I hate people who are not serious about meals. It is so shallow of them." -Oscar Wilde
Oh, yes. That is SO my quote.
The hellaciousness of the first part of the week seems to have dissipated. I don't know if it's because of the spirit of the day, the fact that I made Pumpkin Pie (so good), or the fact that people are leaving me alone. But I feel fucking great.
Have a Fabulous Halloween. And don't forget to get into trouble.
This week sucks.
Example: Monday morning, I get a call in my office at about 8:20. It's UPD.
UPD: "Ma'am, there's been an accident."
Me: Oh My God! (with massive fear)
UPD: You're car rolled across the parking lot into another vehicle.
Me: Oh My God! (Relief that no one is dead mingled with confusion).
UPD: You need to report to the scene immediately.
So I did. Two very nice officers had pushed my car back up into it's parking space. There was no damage whatsoever. I (or should I say my car) hit a big red van, bumper to bumper. It was fine. No big deal. The cops laughed at me a bit. I gave them some info. I reset my emergency brake. No biggy.
Let me say here that I ALWAYS use the emergency brake when in park. I drive a standard, and I just don't feel comfortable without it. Because of that, I leave the car in neutral. If I try to put it in first (say, parked on a steep hill), I always end up letting my foot off the clutch a second too soon. The car does that awful sputtering out thing and it annoys me. So. Neutral + Emergency Brake = Park. Apparently not. I KNOW I put the brake on. It's habit, I don't get out of the car without doing it. All I can think of is that perhaps I didn't pull it all the way, and it managed to sink back down. Otherwise, the car would have started to roll before I even got out. A standard in neutral with no brakes on will roll. Even on flat ground. It's the just the Way of things.
So later Monday afternoon UPD calls back. The whore whose car got hit decides she wants a full report and wants to get our insurance companies involved.
Um. Excuse me? THERE IS NO DAMAGE. If you report the accident, both of our premiums will go up. I don't understand the logic. She wants to pay extra money for no reason? Even if there were a few scratches, which she claims, it still wouldn't come close to meeting her deductible to fix. There is no point. If there are scratches, I'll happily give her the money it costs to fix (probably the cost of a good waxing).
The cops rocked though. They were totally on my side. They implied that they, too, thought she was a crazy whore. And they told me that they wrote on the Police Report that there was no damage a'tall, including scratches. So when this does reach the insurance folk, at least I can rest assured that they will have a good laugh at her expense, after grumbling at what a whore she is for making them do unnecessary paperwork.
And that was just Monday. Yesterday was worse. Work sucks. Mostly politics that I don't really want to get into right now. People who think they have the right to boss me around when I don't work for them. Not my supervisor. I help you sometimes, that's it. Grrr.
Ryan and I made Jack-O-Lanterns last night, though. Mine has slant-y eyes and vampire teeth. Very cute. Tonight I make a pie and a soup from all the innards. Pie will make everything all better. It usually does.