Well. I'm off again in about an hour or so. Another 10 hour drive looming ahead... ugh. Alicia lent me a book on tape for the drive up here. I'd never listened to a book on tape before, and it was awesome. Read while you drive -- the greatest invention ever! Except that, when I read, I tend to drift away into the story, in such a way that
nothing else even really exists anymore (this drives Ryan crazy). This is a major problem when driving. Paying attention = very important.
So I listen for about 30-45 minutes, until I feel myself starting to pull out of reality, and then I have to stop it. Listen to the radion for 20 minutes. Put in a cd. Something. And then I can start all over again. It still works.
And you know what else is today? Spidey! I think Ryan and I are gonna meet in Memphis tonight instead of my driving all the way home so that we can see it tonight. Because I am fiercely opposed to waiting until tomorrow, 10 hour drive or not. I have been waiting for this movie for about 5 years now. It's about fucking time.
I love my mother. I really do. But I cannot take sitting in the house all day watching
Lifetime movies. The kind with Melissa Gilbert. Eeew.
I'm not even watching them. I've been reading, mostly. I finally got that book, part three of a trilogy. The one I had a massive freak-out before about not having, but not being able to afford. And then the library didn't have it. I was driving by a Barnes & Noble and couldn't resist the lure. It just came over me-
I must have this book. And so I bought it, even though I am still massively poor. Possibly more so, since I had to come up here. But I had to have something. But the Lifetime movies... There're screaming women, and flashback sequences, and all manner of horrid things that force you to look up. I hate that. I will quite likely go insane by Friday if nothing good comes on HBO to distract my mother from the Victmization of Women Channel.
My mom is, quite literally, the teeny tiny woman in the teeny tiny house with the teeny tiny cat... and recently even a teeny tiny mouse or eight. There are supposedly mice in the pantry, so we don't go in there. Eew.
This house is very small. It's adorable, and it suits my mom. But if one little thing is out of place or unsituated, she flips out. Its hard to keep everything in place with an extra person in the house. It's perfect for two, but a bit crowded for three.
Its not that I mind... its just that she just had _surgery_, and needs to SIT DOWN. She is getting fidgety because of the perpetual being-unable-to-do-anything and because she quit smoking. Since she quit for four days in the hospital, she figured she ought to keep up the good work. Which she should, and I'm very proud.
By the way, since I don't think I announced this, she had a radical hysterectomy last Thursday. So she's fine, just sore, bruised, and full of internal stitches.
I fucking hate AOL.
I blogged. And it was good.
And because it was good, and rather long, I attempted to copy it, just in case the blogger decided to eat it when I tried to publish. And do you know what it did? It made a little "c", instead of copying. So I tried to undo. And it made a little "z." And I thought "Dammit!," and I clicked on edit, thinking to manually undo. And it wouldn't let me.
Fucking AOL.