I am sitting here having a damned conniption fit because there are two hangers-on left in the conference room from a presentation earlier, and it's all I can do not to dash in there and get a COOKIE. Since 9:30, those cookies have been sitting there, looking all delicious and crumbly and wonderful, and I have been waiting for it to all be over so that I can have one.
People, you need to leave so that I can feed my habit. I'm leaving early today, and the idea that I might leave in five minutes sans-cookie is not one I'm willing to consider. If they are not gone on my way out, screw propriety. It's not like I haven't already turned in my resignation, anyway. Cooookkkkieeeee.
I just saw the strangest thing. I took the dog out front on the leash (the backyard has become muddy swampland), and I watched a white cutlass drive by with the trunk slightly ajar. There was a man, one arm latched in the trunk, hanging on the back left corner of this car as it flew by at about 40 mph. I don't how he was able to hold himself up, much less avoid serious injury from the rapidly rotating tire in close proximity to his nether regions. As to
why he was doing such a thing... well, I don't think I want to know.