Apparently the University did something to its servers today, which caused the Business School to have to adjust its servers, which caused the domain to kick out all the users. I discovered this interesting fact by daring to reboot my computer.
When I tried to log back on, the error message basically said that either the domain didn't exist or I didn't (funny how the computer doesn't actually know the difference). After some fiddling, one of the helpdesk boys managed to log onto the machine under an archaic administrator password (but not the most current one, nor under the helpdesk logon info). Then he adding some adjustments and adding the computer back to the domain, restarting, doing something else, restarting again. Only then was I able to log back into the network. This was, I might add, a BIG FAT HASSLE.
Apparently, this all traces back to whatever was done to the servers. The way I was attached to the Domain isn't "right" anymore. It's quite possible that any number of other people in the School might have the same problem.
I.e., Monday morning is gonna be a hoot.
Well. I'm wearing White Pants today. It was this whole thing, and I wrote about it a while ago. I was going to comment on the fact that I have gotten through a workday and they are fine, except the context is all gone now because I can't figure out how to link to a specific post.
So. For those of you who remember... I did it. I wore them. And it's been strangely far less satisfying than I thought it would be.
I had to buy 100s yesterday because the gas station I stopped at was out of the regular size of the brand I usually smoke. Sometimes I will actually buy a different brand of cigarette to avoid having to smoke 100s.
Logically, by buying 100s, you are actually getting more cigarette for your money. Yet it feels akward in my hand, makes me feel like an old lady, and half the time I put it out before I've smoked the whole thing so it doesn't do me any good, anyway.
I should have just bought Camel Lights.
For some reason, whenever I do The Weekly Round-Up I have to republish my archives.
This does not make sense. Are we talking mere coincidence here, or does Blogger just not like the Weekly Round-Up, hence meting out petty revenge by making me republish my archives?
I know, I know. I'm late. Again. But better late than never, right?
The Weekly Round-Up
High Maintainence: Court ruminates on the effects of ADHD and taking care of a house. And learning things. Her plants are going to grow big and tall, and she has to retake a class she hates. Court discovers that she is a Lawful Neutral Half-Elf Thief who part times as a cereal-eating Sea Captain and who is destined to become a supervillain. And, she likes fireflies.
Stupid O'Clock: Once again, our Jersey boys have not graced us with their wisdom this week. They should be flogged. (Any Volunteers?)
Do You Mind?: Poor Justine. She's been busy. But she's in a
pop group, so it's understandable. She likes tv a whole helluva lot. And quizzes! Lots of quizzes.
ClusterFuck: Alicia quit her suck ass crap second job. She explains the reasoning behind ducking in racquetball (as if a reason is necessary), and has massive joy over the prospect of playing soccer, because sports are fun. The lack of a suck ass crap second job has brought about the need for a higher paying first job, so she put in two applications for the library. The pursuit of Mp3s is a bitch, and kazaalite is not recommended. Popcorn is a perfectly acceptable thing to have for dinner. The job saga gets more intense as Alicia gets a talking-to, but it will all be ok because I'm having a BBQ and the prospect of ribs is enough to warm even the coldest of hearts.
Chasm: Jen went shopping and spent way too much money. Rollerblading is hard. We learn that mind-numbing can prevent loss of mind, or at least help you to not notice that part of it has gone all away.
Things That Are OK:
- Calling me to inquire as to the reasons your son did not receive a scholarship
- Asking as to any other opportunities that might be available
Things That Are Not OK:
- Yelling at me over the phone because your son didn't receive a scholarship
- Planting the responsibility of the University's "Cheating Problem" on ME
- Talking to me as if I'm some little ritchy bitch who doesn't understand (I PUT MYSELF THROUGH SCHOOL, you asshole)
- Trying to guilt trip me by telling me how your son hasn't eaten anything but Hot Pockets for 3 months. First, I doubt it. Second, what's wrong with that?
-Expecting me to GIVE A FUCK when you say that you told your son to save the rejection letter and read it out when the Alumni Office calls and asks for money. You can't wield that as a weapon, because
I don't care.
And, by the way, I read his application. Your son is a MORON.
We are having problems with someone vandalizing the restrooms in the building that I work in, which I find insanely funny.
They are stealing the little toilet paper containers from the stalls. The utter uselessness of such an act is what makes it glorious. The janitorial staff and the administration are all in a tiffy over toilet paper recepticles... a most perfect symbol of the environment in which I spend forty-odd hours of my week.
(Of course, this isn't nearly as fabulous as last years problem with the chronic disappearance of the golden "G" in the word "God," part of a quote by the namesake of the building that graces the wall of the 2nd floor lobby. Someone kept stealing it, and they finally encased the quote in glass. I rather liked it missing, as I find the quote horrifficly offensive anyway).