  Oh yeah. I flung an explanation as to what was wrong with Ryan's knee out, only to completely NOT post about it all. As usual. He's beat me to it, and if you're curious you can find it here (Be warned that you read anything beyond the post about his knee AT YOUR OWN RISK).  
  It's another one of those I HATE EVERYONE WHO DRIVES days. Yes, that means YOU, you dirty white ball-cap wearing, Nickleback turned up way too loud on the stereo-system, gigantor Ford Explorer driving FREAK.

Just a few tips to avoid my road-wrath:

Arrows painted in a parking lot denoting the flow of traffic? These are not painted on to decorate the asphalt. They are not a suggestion. All it takes is one asshole going the wrong way to back things up to an extent that MY needing-to-get-back-to-work ass has to wait on YOU for five whole minutes just to leave the parking lot. Don't be that asshole.

I'm a nice girl. If I can, I will let you out if you are waiting to turn onto a busy road. However, I will NOT let you out if you don't have your turning signal on. If I don't know which way you're going, I can't calculate whether or not I can easily let you out. So don't cuss me or shoot me a dirty look because I flew on by.

While we're on the subject of letting people go - If I am waiting to turn LEFT on a busy intersection, one in which my view of the far lane is hampered by a line of SUVs stopped at light, and you stop and wave me on to go, I assume that since you can SEE ahead that its clear. Apparently this is not the case. Do not wave me to go when all I'm going to be able to do is pull out in front of you and continue to wait on the rest of the traffic unless you really don't mind waiting. Again, don't you dare cuss ME because you were an idiot.

Other tips of note include picking a lane and getting the hell in it - I haven't the time for you to wauler around all in the middle of the road for five minutes before you figure out where you want to be - and appropriate conduct at four-way stops. If you don't know the protocol, pick another way to go that has traffic lights.

Thank you Crazy Pedestrian Guy, who I yielded to on my back from the driving course of hell, for actually using the crosswalk, for not darting out in front of me like an asshole, and for making silly faces at me while you crossed the road. Your antics quite possibly kept me from trying to play real-life Twisted Metal on campus.

(And just so you know why I'm so venomous? All this on my lunch-break, during which I got NO LUNCH. Oh, the wrongness of it all.) 
is a
Crumpet-Eating Flying Monkey

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