Excuse me while I bludgeon Blogger with a virtual bludgeoner thing and ahh.
So I just wrote a lovely (heh) review of
Dawn of Amber by John Gregory Betancourt, which I just read, only Blogger ate it.
Since I don't feel like recreating such, you get to know that I was surprised to find that I actually liked it, despite some stylistic issues.
Stupid stupid thing. The good news, though, that I am finally, after much hoop-jumping, online. Whoo hoo!
And since I'm mad at Blogger, that's all I have to say for the moment. Hmph.
Long time no see, eh?
Ok, here's the scoop. I am in New Jersey, mostly unpacked, still have no job, blah blah blah. (*Note that I haven't yet looked for a job, so that whole not having one thing isn't a complaint). I have no internet access yet, because Comcast insists on a letter from the property manager saying it's ok to install a line, but they didn't tell us this until they were there to do it. So now we are waiting on said letter.
Everything else seems to be going well thus far. I have spent a small fortune on home furnishings, which is so way more fun than I ever imagined it could be. I'm starting to get bored, though, because I'm nigh out of money, not to mention space in the apartment, to continue on the prolongued shopping spree, and of course there is no internet (I'm bumming puter time off Ryan's relatives at the moment), so it's about time to start job hunting.
That whole unemployment thing was nice while it lasted. Plus, you know. I don't know any-friggin'-body, and it's amazing how much employment actually feeds those social needs, ya know?
So wish me luck and and stuff, because I'm gonna need it. And I'll be back... but not in a Terminator way (which I am SO not looking forward to seeing, although I probably will anyway).