I was really disappointed in the Halloween pictures. There are absolutely no pictures in which you can see my whole costume, nor Courtney's for that matter. I always do that- I'm having too much fun to be bothered with the camera. Later, I beat myself repeatedly over the head for not taking more pictures. So without further ado... these are the best of them.
This is Alicia. I
love this picture. So cute. She plays the 5 year old so well.
The group shot. Lesson learned: For future reference, do not ask someone who is drunk to take a picture of you and your friends. I really wish you could see more of our costumes, because everyone looked so great.
We are, starting at the top left and going across: Nate, who was Chaz from
The Royal Tenenbaums. He chastised me for not mentioning him in my earlier recount of the costumes. I forgot - sue me. Next is Courtney, whose famous cleavage is being blocked by Ryan's head. She truly was a fab Glory, though. Then Jen, then Dave. The front row is Alicia, me, then Ryan.
A close-up of the boy. Yummm. Sexy dead pirate.
This is my costume from last year. The fairy one. Or, as Court affectionately calls it, "Tinker Mik."
I've realized that among the small (emphasis on the minute) skills with html that I have, color scheme development is not among them. I have been playing with the colors on this template since I put it up. It was pretty, but a little too pink and froofy for my tastes. I like blue. Everything should be blue. So I've been trying to perfect it's blueness. And everything just looked like crap. This template does not look good in blue. Hence the greens and periwinklwes- as close to being blue as possible without really being blue at all.
I also added a link to the old pages I've put my writing on, and a sitemeter. Hmm... what else? As long as all that took me, you'd think I'd have done a bit more than that. Oops! I shouldn't have said that out loud... *blush*.
I'm feeling better about life in general. The sky is finally blue (notice a theme here? Seriously. I wonder if blue is an addiction?). Last night Ryan played his first flag-football game of the season that
wasn't in the rain. Please note that I am the best girlfriend ever. Because I sat on wet bleachers. In the cold. In the rain. Just to cheer the boy on. They also finally won last night, and Ryan caught a pretty interception (Go Ryan!).
Don't get me wrong. I do love the rain. But what I love is a good, southern thunderstorm. They blow through and wreak their havoc, leaving just as suddenly as they arrived. But what they leave behind is glorious. The smell of the air after a thunderstorm is indescribable. This grey, misty, drizzling for days crap has got to go, though. It's downright depressing. It's cold and miserable, and all you want to do is hide under the covers for days on end. I'm just glad it's over. I can tell already that my energy level has increased tenfold. I have more ideas when the weather is nice, and I have more motivation to follow through on them.
Ack. I did the vote thing, and despite not making a damned lick of difference, at least I feel good about the fact that I put my little black marks in.
I don't understand why the Deep South is so freaking conservative. We are all poor. Living in a college town, I witness university-aged girls, some of them minorities even, participating in the College Republicans. WTF? I don't get it.
But enough about that. If I think about politics too long I fear my head will explode (Note: this is why I avoid the news as much as possible. Same results).
Ah, lunch. Alicia is coming over for leftover Pumpkin soup. We're also going to pick up the pictures from Halloween. Whoohoo!
I am so tired of all this rain. It's cold, it's grey, and it's damned depressing. It also keeps reminding me of this bad-ass raincoat I used to have, which makes me sad (seriously).
I feel like, as a good citizen, I should vote today. But it almost seems pointless. There are _no_ good candidates in the state of Mississippi, running for anything. It's a sad state of affairs when you feel obligated to drag yourself out into the rain to go vote not for, but against, a person or two. At least I can skip out of work for a bit. Even that is disgusting.
Alicia said yesterday that the best thing about moving up North will be actually having a range of candidates to choose from rather than "Conservative," "More Conservative," and "Ultra-Super-Conservative". I gotta say I agree.