Which Action Star Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty
Oh No! And I used up all the "Hee"s for Willow. I take them back!!!
Which Buffy Girl Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty
All the "HEE!"s in the world would not be enough. Hee.
I taste like Peanut Butter.
I am one of the most blendable flavours; I go with sweet, I go with sour, I go with bland, I go with anything. I am practical and good company, but have something of a tendency to hang around when I'm not wanted, unaware that my presence is not welcome. What Flavour Are You?
I hardly fucking think so. Bitch.
I actually updated Fucknut!, so if you are of the "I quit checking that cuz you ain't been bloggin on it" crowd, then you should go check it out.
As if there is a crowd. Hi, Alicia! Hi Steve! Hi other 2 people who look at this sometimes! Heh.
Blogger lied and said it wouldn't be back up until tonight. Heee.
Today is BEAUTIFUL. It's about 60 degrees (after being insanely cold for about a week and a half). I am wearing
open-toed shoes, yo. I love it when Spring comes, because then there can be flip-flops in my world. And I lurrvve me some flip-flops.
of course, the actual test I'm supposed to be doesn't seem to exist any more. Figures.
Another test:
![Click to find out which test you are [If I were an online test, I would be The James Bond Villain Personality Test]](
I'm The James Bond Villain Personality Test!
I live in a fictional world of spies and blonde women with ridiculous names, and I like to give people plenty of options. Although whether they're villainous is not optional.
Click here to find out which test you are!
I know I'm supposed to be working. *Sigh.* Deadlines and stuff. But.
love my reflection in the glass doors that lead to the smoking balcony. They make you look taller, thinner, and just short of fabulous. Always. I'm wondering if they would notice if I snatched one and took it home.
I just took a quiz- "What Drug Would You Be?" The results:
In trying to figure out how one goes about figuring out (how do ya like that grammar?) who someone's press agent is, I randomly discovered that Nsync has fan fiction. I suppose I never thought about
real people having fan fiction written about them. It's kind of weird.
The dentist wasn't nearly so bad as I had worked it up to be in my head...yet. I have an appointment for next Monday for a possible root canal. Hell.