There are coils of CAT-5 strewn down the hall that connects Holman and Conner Halls together. I'm talking yards upon yards of the crap. It's Friday afternoon, so no one is around. I go walking down the hall on the way to my office, eyeing the random wiring that seems to be lying there for no apparent reason, when it starts to slither. I had a freaky moment where I felt like I was in some cheesy Sci-Fi horror flick. It's Alive! I'm assuming someone was at the other end of it. At least... I hope so. *Shiver*
I keep listening to the Utada Hikaru song over and over again. In opening FMV of the Kingdom Hearts, Sora (the main kid) drowns in the ocean and falls through the sky at the same time in a weird dream sequence. I don't know how to explain it any other way (but it's georgeous. Absolutely georgeous). The music captures that moment of struggling and soaring at the same time. It makes me want to fly.
Regardless of warnings, the future doesn't scare me at all. Nothing's like it was.
I love that line, too. It captures what the song feels like.
I meant to do the
Friday Five today, but I don't really feel up to it now. It's so time to go home. Maybe I'll get around to it over the weekend.
One more brief note - for those of you who wonder (I've had several inquiries. I had no idea so many people I
know read this thing. Ack!), the new hair passed the 6-minute rountine with flying colors. So, yay new haircut. Cost me nearly $40, so it better damned well look good.
I got the haircut. And let me tell you. It's not so much a hair
cut as a hair
style. Yes, I look like like I just stepped out of a salon. It's bouncilicious and has that swirly full-bodied thing that really nice hair has.
There's only one problem. I haven't got a clue whether or not I like it. The woman that cut it asked if I wanted it dried. Since I was headed straight back to work, of course I did. Can't very well go bouncing around the office with drippy hair. Usually they blow it dry, spray in some stinky hairspray, and send you packing. Not so this woman. She spends twenty minutes drying individual sections with a round brush. Flipping it in. Flipping it out. Doing these little twisty movements with the brush that I couldn't quite figure out. It's georgeous. Only there's NO WAY IN HELL I'm going to do this to my hair every day.
My post shower routine is simple: Towel Dry. Squirt volumize-y stuff in it. Blow dry quickly and ferociously for about 3 minutes, or until 3/4 dry. Shake. Rub in some texturizing balm on the ends. That's it. A total of 6 minutes on a bad day. I don't even brush my hair.
For some reason this fact gives Court a near heart attack. She's one of those "100 strokes" people. Bullshit, I tell you. Brushes are for the
We shall see how the hair turns out tomorrow after I shower. Will it stand up to the 6-minutes-or-less drill? Will it flip out cutely, or hang limp? I dunno. But I should really take a picture today, because Daaaaammmmn my hair looks good.
I'm getting a haircut today! My hair has gotten awfully scraggly. It's hitting my shoulders just enough to flip in at some points and out at others, with no consistency whatsoever. I had some choppy layers, but they've all grown out, too.
Yay, haircut!
I'm crazy busy this morning trying to get ads run in a newspaper that refuses to ever fax you an authorization (this hurts them, as without it, they don't get paid. But it makes me nervous), get an invoice faxed from the company I ordered goodies from _2 weeks_ ago, get promotional crap out for the Student Org. Fair on Thursday, and surreptitiously balance my checkbook while no one is looking. I hate dealing with money. I avoid it at all costs. Yet so far this month I think I've spent more of the Business School's money than I've made this month. Sad, that.
I get a haircut, though. If I can just hang in there for a couple more hours... there is a light at the end of the tunnel.