We just reactivated a local chapter on campus of NOW, and I joined the listserv. Now I remember why I rarely join things. I replied, apparently more scathingly than I intended, to one of the emails. Because I think that some of the issues organizations take up tend to be on the retarded side, and it only results in making them sound like cause-head hippies. When the really important issues come up, then no one will take you seriously. My philosophy seems to be justified, however, as I got a couple of horrified emails back from people who (although they had not responded in support
before I said it was stupid) jumped on the cause like it was the last bandwagon in Nobandwagon-Land. Jeesh.
I almost forgot because of the "Blogger-Ate-My-Archives" rage. I went to get a coke (Hee! Coke Bubbles! DAMN. Which you can't know about now because of the freaking archives being gone. ARRGH!). There was this girl carrying a terrier around, slung over her forearm like a ragdoll. I saw her twice in the hallways. At first I thought maybe it wasn't real, but it was looking at me. It never moved though. It just hung, limply, at her side. Kind of disturbing, that.
Dammit! I was trying to edit my damn blog settings and I think I lost all my archives before February. Hell.
Tuan-the-work-study is the COOLEST! She brought me dried sweet potatoes, a gallon-sized ziplock baggie full of sticky rice, and a little cake thing that has rice and is wrapped in a banana leaf that, apparently, is traditional fare for the Chinese New Year. It's really good. And I have sticky rice. Yay.
Why doesn't blogger come up when I have a rant? Why do people insist on always doing things "the way they've always been done," and Flip the Fuck Out when someone offers a new and innovative suggestion? Why does sending a thank-you note on nice postcards that cost alot to get made, that we now never use, instead of sending a thank-you on letterhead have to be a new and innovative idea? Why isn't 5 o'clock yet? Why am I asking you, the blogger, all these questions?
Dammit. Alicia is trying to
file taxes online, so there's no IMing. Well, there is, but it mostly consists of her saying things like " JeSUS. This is fucking _complicated_." Then I respond with understanding sympathy. Ryan isn't at work yet.
Oooh! The camcorder comes today. We bought one off of ebay for the sole purpose of making a 3 minute video for our
Amazing Race application. Hee! We will be the next Kevv and Drew... only we'll be Mik and Alicia. And not bald. And not from New York. And... prettier, yo. But still. Hee.
It has been brought to my attention that someone thinks that "Chrimah" is a cooty-talk work, which its not. So for those of you who are confused, let me take the time to explain the origin of "Chrimah." Chrimah comes from Amy Hervey, who used to be our next door neighbor. It goes right along with "Skreet," "Skrimp," and "Proncil." So you see, its roots are ghetto, NOT cooty. (For those of you who are REALLY REALLY confused- Chrimah=Christmas. Get It?)
I went to Memphis again this weekend. Friday evening we had to go up and retrieve personal property from my car, and I had to say goodbye. I really, really loved my car. It was Nissan 200SX, and it was
Green. Not hunter green like most cars, or teal, but
Green. Like a grassy meadow covered in morning dew kind of green. It was funky, and it was me. Now, its gone. I got my stuff, took some pics for the benefit of those far away who rolled their eyes and thought "fender bender" (Alicia knows who I'm talking about!), and sat in the driver's seat for the last time. And the rains came forth from the Heavens, crying aloud at the tragedy... blah, blah, blah. There was some really nasty rain. I spent the night at my dad's house.
And then... I got a new car! It's a 97 Saturn SL1, with about 45,000 miles on it. It has some vroom-vroom to it, which I didn't expect from a 4-door Sedan. I love it. The only thing is... it's hunter green. I loved my car because it was unique. Even for an average looking car like a 200SX (based on the Sentra body, but 2-door and with a spoiler). Every Saturn SL1 I've ever seen is Hunter Green, and a lot of other cars are too. It's so normal. And Nate has one just like it. Ugh. So, I'm thinking about getting it painted. The dealer said it would depreciate the value of the car, but I plan on having it for a long time, so it shouldn't matter. I'm thinking a silvery greyish blue. But I do love it. When I'm inside the car, I can't see the green anyway. I can imagine that its any color I want.