I totally started going off on a tangent yesterday, got interuppted, and now I'm in that peaceful weekend state where I no longer care. So, maybe someday I'll finish my story. :)
Flyers won today!! Kicked ASS, actually. And now I'm using all that positive energy to rearrange my computer room/library. No really. I am. I'm only blogging while I take a smoke break. I'm hoping someone will show up at my house so that I can make them help me move the big bookshelf. Otherwise I'm going to have to take books off of it, which will annoy me. Alicia and Court said they'd stop by post mall, which could be any minute now. Ryan is off playing with the boys.
And speaking of frigging cleaning. When I put the cd player on random its because I want a
mix of happy bouncy music. This does NOT mean play the same damn song 3 times in a row, which it tried to do, and this does NOT mean play songs from only 1 cd in a random order. It totally refuses to cooperate with me on this.
K. Cigarette almost done. ALICIA AND COURT, WHERE ARE YOU?!?
Work is crazy. The students who need to be advised far outnumber the available advisors, so I've been helping them. Now, I'm working on clearing December graduates. I don't mind doing this, because I get to shut the door to my office and listen to Happy Music ("Rebel Rebel" is on right now.... Heee!).
Today, I get to have a desk audit. Have I talked about my pending promotion on here yet? See, on official university documents, my title is "Data Entry Supervisor." When I first started working here for real, it was a temporary summer job, during which I would put together a database of all the scholarship information. Then that job turned into an ongoing thing. Enter new responsibilities. Then
that job turned into a full-time thing when I graduated. Enter even more new responsibilities, and a raise. Passage of time.... more new responsiblities. See my problem?
K, work beckons. I'll continue this later...
Behold the Hit Counter! Somebody other than Alicia and Steve has looked at the site! The funny little button that says "Addme" is compliments of the nice people who submit your site to lots of search engines so that you don't have to spend time doing it yourself. They ask in return that you link them, so I did. I'm going to have to start a links page of its own soon if I keep using services that ask you to put up buttons, or its going to look all cluttered.
I love the geometric bubbles that Coke makes.
Don't know what I'm talking about? Go to a Coke machine. Get yourself a 20 ounce Coke (Coca-Cola coke
*). After the Coke has tumbled from the machine, it's a little jazzed up. Go ahead and unscrew the cap, but only for a split second- It's like a whippit. You have to let the pressure out without making it explode on you.
Now. Look at the bubbles. On the top, there's foamy fizz, just like any other soda. But the bottom of the fizz... tiny, perfectly round, geometric bubbles stacked on top of eachother. This fascinates me to no end, and I often wonder -1) Has anyone other than me noticed this phenomenon? and 2) Does anyone other than me even care?
*Clarification for Yankees and Other Non-Southerners: Down here, all sodas are "a coke."
I have class in thirty minutes, which is kind of exciting and cool.
Alicia is taking it with me. Its only a 300-level class, but it sounds really neat:
This is a course in folk literature rather than what is usually called popular literature. Folklore is defined as “the customs, tales, or saying preserved orally among a people”. The works we read were composed and transmitted orally before they exited in written, printed, or recorded form. The course has three separate units. First we read The Odyssey (Fitzgerald’s translation), with attention to the way it combines myth, legend, history, and daily life. The we study three books of folktales: The Complete Grimm’s Fairy Tales; Italo Calvino, Italian Folktales; and Folk-tales of the British Isles, edited by Kevin Crossley-Holland. The third unit invovlves reading Robert Palmer’s book Deep Blues and listening to songs by Bessie Smith, Robert Jonson, Muddy Waters, Howlin’ Wolf, Billie Holiday, Janis Joplin, and Bob Dylan. Requirment include examinations on The Odyssey and on folktales, a paper, a comprehensive final examaination, and quizzes on the reading.
I'm taking this class purely for the joy of it. In the scheme of things that is my life, there is no sensible reason for me to take this class. And I am taking another class at the 600 level on Poe, which will be my very first graduate class. :) I'm terrified, which I shouldn't be because I did FINE in 500 level classes and there shouldn't be much difference. But go figure. Anyhoo, my point is, why punish myself by signing up for a course that I don't need and creating extra work in my life? Well, I love learning, and I would really like to learn more about fairy tales and folklore, since its a pre-existing interest that I've had for... all of my life, I guess. But I have this problem with the getting off of the ass. Not too good at that. If I take a class, my personal pride (Must Make A's!!!) is greater than the laziness factor, so I will learn and prosper. Not to mention the simple fact that its easier to study something when you have someone to guide you.
Off to class with me.