  As you can see, I made everything look all different.

I'm not done. I'll probably play with the colors a bit - you may have realized that I'm quite partial to blue.

Just a note: If you click on the archives link, it looks all crazy because there isn't an archive template up. They do still work, though, if you insist on digging in the past. And, you can play compare and contrast to the template of blogging past.

Let me know what you think. Suggestions? Do you even like it?  
  The Friday Five:

1. What are your favorite ways to relax and unwind? Mostly, I like to read. Anything else that helps me relax (bubble bath, snugglies on the couch, etc.) I'd probably being doing with a book.

2. What do you do the moment you get home from work/school/errands? Get attacked by Puck. When he gets over the excitement (you'd think I'd been gone for a year) let him out back. Then take off my shoes. *Sigh.*

3. What are your favorite aromatherapeutic smells? Ooh. Lavender, Jasmine, and Rosemary. I also like Vanilla, but it makes me hungry.

4. Do you feel more relaxed with a group of friends or hanging out by yourself? Depends on my mood. And what I'm doing with that group of friends. If we're just sitting around, drinking coffee, and having chit-chat, then it counts.

5. What is something that you feel is relaxing but most people don't? I wouldn't call it relaxing, but there's something therapuetic about cleaning my house on a weekend, with The Boy out. I can't DO clean-y things with him there. Even if he's helping. It's like his own sense of it being a chore rubs off on me. But when I'm by myself and the house is all empty, I actually enjoy it.
  Bus Mik: Listening to "Candy Man" by Taj Mahal and wishing I was in New Orleans (sans Isadore)

FNCRyan: I sorry. :-(

Bus Mik: I just wanna have a po-boy at Felix's and walk around and let the quarter sink all in

Bus Mik: :-)

FNCRyan: I think right now you'd sink all in

True. So true.

I've been looking for a link to the "Candy Man" lyrics, and didn't find them. The internet is a HUGE place. You'd think... nevermind. What I did find was a bit of interesting information. Apparently, the Taj Mahal song (also known as "Candy Man Blues") is a response to a Mississippi John Hurt song, "Candy Man," in which this Candy Man has "a stick of candy 9 inches long," and women, er, lurve him. If they are so inclined. The Taj song is a lament from a guy who lost his girlfriend to this well-endowned "Candy" Man.

Course, I could have learned that from my Dad, had I but asked. He there is a fountain of blues-knowledge in that man's head. But then, I didn't know to ask until just now.

What was I about? Oh, yeah. I was going to wax self-pity on not getting to go to N'Awlins. Cuz, you know. That there Tropical Storm sprang up just to spite ME. But now I'm basking in the glory of Having Learned Something All By Myself, so I guess I'll just let that go. :)

" Took my baby down to the candy stand, she got stuck on that Candy Man-
Wish I was down in New Orleans, sitting on that candy stand.

  People, it's raining. A lot. Isadore backlash (frontlash?) and all. Visability is very low. Why do you think it's ok to go 50 mph on the highway without your headlights on?

Stupid drivers aside, the rain is kind of nice. This is good, since it's probably going to continue to rain until Saturday or so. I'll probably be sick of it by then.

And I was supposed to be in New Orleans today.

Rebel Radio has been playing thematic music- all with a rain theme. "Flood" by Jars of Clay (ok. Suck ass music, but still.) and "Don't You (Forget About Me)" by Simple Minds. That's all I heard, because the commute back and forth from house isn't that long. I was impressed. Not necessarily by the choice of music - Simple Minds, ok. But Jars of Clay? - but by the fact that they were doing something so cool as to take time out to select appropriate music in honor of the weather. Rebel Radio is NOT a good radio station. I usually expect much less out of them.

I do hope the various aunts and uncles and cousins other people I know in Lousiana are fairing ok, what with all the flooding and all. At least it isn't a hurricane anymore- small favors are still favors.

  We got Kingdom Hearts!

The animation is georgeous. It's neat - the main characters are very Squaresofty, although it's much rounder and more childlike. The Disney bits are verrry Disney. But it goes.

When we first got it, I experienced a freak-out moment. First, the voice of the main character, Sora, is Haley Joel Osment.

I hate that kid.

Something about him bugs the shit out of me. It's like, you look into his eyes, and he's not a kid at all. He's well suited to his roles for that very reason (particularly AI), but I don't know if that makes him a good actor or just the other side of Freddie Prinze, Jr.

But he's not that bad. For one, you can't see his face. And his character in the game is SO childlike. Maybe the little alien is human, after all.

The other thing that gave me pause was the fact that the voice of Sephiroth (yeah, Final Fantasy characters appear in the game. ROCK!) is Lance Freaking *NSYNC Bass.

I mean, the hell. Lance as SEPHIROTH!?! NOOOOOO. I haven't gotten to that part yet, so I can't say how it's going to turn out. But. I'm assuming badly.

On the other hand, David Boreanaz is doing the voice of Squall/Leon (I'm assuming that's one guy. Leon being short for Leonhart.). Billy Zane is doing a voice (he did one for SSX Tricky, too. Are video games like his new career move or something?). Some other people that I don't remember who they are. I really like this new trend of real voices in RPGs. I know a lot of people don't like it- it's not "old school" - but I don't care. As long as the vocal talent is doing a decent job, bring it on. It was a little cheesy in, say, the Bouncer, but I thought it was fine by FFX (Except for Yuna. Her delivery was just... weird.).

As a Square game, I'm not disappointed. After about 5 hours total of gameplay, it's already filling the gaping holes that FFX left - interesting towns. Puzzles in said towns. Yay! The storyline is thus far intriguing, in that sense that I have no real clue as to what's going on, except that this thing that reminds me of The Nothing from The Never Ending Story is plagueing the worlds, only it seems to drop people off in random towns after its devoured their reality. Nice of it.

The actual gameplay is neat. The battle system is in real-time, so it plays kind of like an adventure game instead of an rpg. So far it's been fine, but I imagine that this will make the game harder (for ME) as the game progresses and the villains become stronger. You can also climb just about anything. I hate it when, for purposes of the storyline, you can climb up on the roof in one place, but then the game suddenly forgets that you know how. In KH, you can climb onto the roof, if you can reach the ledge. You can climb trees. You can swing down a zipline (HEE!). It's pretty cool.

I'll probably be busy for a while. Thus far, this game rocks.

And speaking of video games, we've just got to get an X-Box. Ryan is probably going to ask for one for Christmas. I figure we've got about a year to get one if the Christmas thing doesn't work out, because the reason I want it is for this game.

Why are you still here? Go click on that link. Check it out. The article is even well-written. And the game - damn. Just... DAMN.  
  Countdown to the season premiere of Buffy: 4 hours, 46 minutes.

My fingers stink of curry, but it's ok, because I had a really nice lunch. I still have that little happy numb thing on my lips from the spicy. Yum Yum.

Ryan is feeling better. He woke up when I got home, and took a hot bath. Still vaguely Ozzie-like, though.

I don't remember if I remembered to let my dog back in at lunch. In fact, I'm pretty sure I didn't.

  Ok, nevermind the yays. It looks all ugly. I'm getting really tired of this template anyway.

But, it'll have to wait. For now, just don't look at it, if it bugs you.  
  I made some changes to the sidebar. I actually put up links to things I READ, and took off links to things I don't.

Long overdue, that. And thank you, blogrolling, for making that not nearly so tedious as I'd built it up in my head.  
  I didn't mean to sound callous about the Boy's back, if I did.

I am infact, awfully upset about it. But that was a whole nother subject, peripheral to the oddities of my moods.

He seems to be ok, just creaky, in massive pain, and not very much with the moving about. When he gets up to go to the bathroom or to the office, he shuffles about like Ozzy Osbourne. Ice, heating pad, and some good old-fashioned rest will hopefully do the trick- if not, one of his coworkers is trying to convince him to go to the chiropractor. I have opinions on chiropractors, but they are not based on anything other than gut instinct and perception (no experience), so I don't cling to them as strongly as I might. I'm perfectly willing to be proven wrong, if it helps Ryan out.

Hopefully it won't come to that. He is the injury-gettin'-est boy I have ever known. Soccer injuries. Four-Wheeler wreck. More soccer injuries. Pleurisy. I mean, DAMN. Someone needs to give him a break, because I think he's had about enough.  
  Somehow the the combination of the Equinox, the full moon, and (Yipes!) PMS has had me in a weird series of moods. For instance, last night at the soccer game, I had a nearly uncontainable viscious hyperness that the only way I could think of to describe was "I want to dance, and kick people."

I did neither. Rather I sat on the bleachers with Alicia and discussed the various merits of circumcision on babies (don't ask) and happily yelled insults at the opposing team (and it's fans, who were sitting in front of us. Hee. ). It was good.

Later the boy threw his back out and I had to be Concerned, so the giddiness left me. But I never really got over the sort of empowered, strange delight in ... well, everything (except Ryan's back. Poor the boy!).

And I still haven't. Even though I just found out that apparently, the trip to New Orleans that I was supposed to go on TOMORROW has been cancelled, or at least put off, due to increment weather. Stupid Hurricane.

*Shrug.* Maybe I'll be mad later.

I don't want to dance anymore, but I'm glorying in the music. I don't want to kick people, but maybe no one needs kicking. That's what's left. And I'm afraid that if I sit in this office all day, shut up, doing monkey work, then I'll lose it.

  Happy Monday, everyone.

Happy Fall.

It's a georgeous, georgeous day out there.
Beware of rambling, babbling, sillyness, really long yet grammatically correct sentences, and occasional bouts of wisdom.

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