  So Alicia and I thought it would be cool to sum up everyone's blogs at the end of each week (you can check hers out on her site)...

The Weekly Round-Up

High Maintainence: Court explores her fascination with commas and exclamation points while giving the world a glimpse (a trench-coat-thrown-wide glimpse, no less) into her non-existent lovelife. Then she took it away. The after effects, however, remain, where we learn that I am the best friend ever (Yay Me!), and that Court is a nice person because she feels bad about breaking a half-promise to a SCUMBAG.

The week's highlight is Thursday's post, where Courtney rants about the Saudi Arabian government and finds creative new ways to use the term "nipplecock" in a sentence.

Stupid O'Clock:
We haven't heard from Steve all week. Maybe Jesus got mad and he's been smited (smote?).

Do You Mind?: Justine suffers the wrath of Extremely Annoying Guy and adds her two cents to the on-going "Did Attack of the Clones suck or what?" debate.

Clusterfuck: Ah, yes. Alicia. Miss Bloggety-Bloggety. Alicia informs us that she has sixteen boyfriends and two girlfriends, which cause her to be exceedingly tired. She also decides to get a kitty, which also makes her tired. We discover that Blogsnob is not as snobby as they let on. We find that Alicia is an alchoholic, which makes her very tired. Alicia becomes an ordained minister (maybe she can put a word in for Steve's smitten self...), and defends said position against those who might think it's somewhat silly (**). Hunger, the Gas Company of Death, and a dopey cat combine to make her very tired. Court gets bitched out for the TMI-blog. Alicia taunts me with the prospect of seeing Spidey again for free (WHOO!), and has caffeine.

This week's highlight is on Thursday's post, where Alicia composes an essay on the intracacies of working for a collection agency.

Alicia culminates the week with computer issues, which, of course, cause her to be very, very tired.

  Fabulous. I have to apply for my own job now.

Here's the short version of the back story: I sort of fell into my job. I started here as Federal Work study for 2 months. Got hired as a student worker for the summer to do data entry. Kept on as a student worker until I graduated, when I got a raise and a temporary position to keep doing the same thing. All this time, I was constantly "re-inventing" my job, doing new things, etc. I've got several things now that I am solely responsible for. I decided that I needed a real job title and a permanent position, instead of temporary status that was constantly having to be renewed. They created a position for me (which was a whole lot of bullshit, let me tell ya). Anyhoo, they approved the position and all was well.

Until today, when I find out that legally they have to announce the position and go about filling it the usual way- i.e., applications and interviews. I've been doing this job for 2 and a half years! And now I have to APPLY for it? The good news is, I know I'll be the most qualified applicant, as I've already got plenty of experience.  
  The Royal Family likes to shake 'em on down.... you've got to see this
  I'm going to make a pie!

Court was supposed to leave the country today, was told she couldn't get her visa yesterday without written permission from her father (she's going to Saudi), but ended up getting her visa this morning after all. Crazy consulates. Anyhoo, because she thought she couldn't leave until next week, she bought groceries. Like raspberries and blackberries. And since she's gonna be gone for three weeks.... I get to make a pie! Yum Yum. 
  Grrr. Html sucks.  
  Heee. I made a test.

How Well Do You Know Me?

This should be interesting.  
  I am totally torn between doing some work (which I really need to do), and finishing what I started on the blog. Dammit.  
  I dropped Puck off at the vet at lunch. He's been on his meds for a month now, and they want to run some tests to see how he's doing. The good news is that since he's been on the meds he hasn't had another seizure. All three were approximately 3 weeks to a month apart, so if he makes it through the rest of May then things will be looking very upwards. The side effects seem to be dwindling, too- that is, ataxia (weakness in the hind legs), panting, having to pee all the damn time, and weight gain. None of them are entirely gone, just at a manageable level. I don't think he's being bothered by it, so I won't either.

  White Pants. They hover on the edges of my fashion sense like the wafting scent of honeysuckle in a landfill. You can just catch the scent of it, but you can't hold on.

Court and I went to Banana Republic last year last August and caught some fab summer clearance deals. Unfortunately, neither of us could really afford to buy much. We came up with a plan. We would each pick out something for ourselves, - one thing - but somthing that the other liked. And then we could share every now and again. I got this adorable little samon-colored halter with a shelf bra, and she got these white cotton tap-top slacks. I've never borrowed them.

I've tried them on, and they look great. They have that perfect fit and shape that make you look so SLIM (and that's an achievement for white, let me tell you). I just can't bring myself to wear them. Do you remember the Messy Bessie dolls (not to be confused with the Betsy Wetsy dolls!!) from way back when? That was me. Straight Up. Still kinda is. When I wear anything white, its like a magnet for spills. Coffee. Coke. The juice from the black beans that I made to go over rice. Whatever. I am utterly terrified of wearing white pants.

It's not fair. I want them. I want to break free of my blue jeans and black slacks monotony, but I don't want to venture into the tacky (red pants) or the average (Khakis). It isn't fair.

On the flip side, the whole sharing plan bit the dust anyway, because Court won't wear the halter either. She thinks it clashes with her pale skin (although I think it brings out the peachy tint and looks nice), so I suppose its just as well.  
  Robin Hobb is far, far too good of a writer. Damn crack-books. She has the ability to reach down into your soul and capture a piece of it. That in itself is not so bad- I expect that of a good writer. It's what she does with it. She has no qualms about giving it the figurative equivalent of nice soak in a bath filled with white-hot lava. When she gives it back to you, though, its a better piece of soul than it was before. 
  We unpacked the kitchen last night, which means that I don't have an excuse for eating out again today (Dammit!). It's so bizarre. The kitchen in the old place was actually a bit bigger, but it was the wonkiest, most impracticle kitchen ever. All our stuff was crammed into the cabinets. In the new place, there are like 2 empty drawers and quite a bit of empty cabinet space. And we have quite a lot of kitchen stuff...pretty much the works. I'm impressed.  
  Apparently I am revered for my efforts in spreading Coffee love.

Not bad, me.  
  This morning, Ryan and I got up together to get ready for work, and it was nice. Previously, he was working 10-7, which meant that I didn't see him in the morning before work (rather I saw his form huddled beneath a mound of comforter). Today is his first day on the 8-5 schedule.

I think this will be nice. For one, we both have to get up, so he can't entice me to stay in bed by being adorable and cuddly anymore. I will probably be substantially less late to work from here on out. It'll also be nice to have him home of an evening, because "10-7" for him was more like "10 - Mikkie called and yelled at me and is making me come home." Not being the last person there will inspire him to just go ahead and leave at 5, I think.

But damn do I feel like a suburbanite yuppy. We got up this morning, took care of the dog (who loves his new big backyard), got ready. Then we left together, in our matching saturns, at the same time, going the same way for 3/4 of the short commute to work. I exit off the highway before him, and we waved at eachother as I pulled off.... This is definately going to start incurring Digs. The insanely cute, sappy little twenty-something yuppy in me is delighted. The eccentric, free-spirited noncomformist in me, however, is disgusted.

I think the yuppy overrides it, though.  
  More on Argephontes (this is turning into a thing):

(enter new character in the on-going saga of The Life Of Me: GwydapLlew= my dear friend Alex, who moved away but I miss him very much and wish he would come back)

GwydapLlew: Did Ryan give you that message I left on his AIM about Argephontes? :-)

Bus Mik: no

Bus Mik: !!

GwydapLlew: Hehe, I saw that you were debating it, so I looked up some stuff about it. No biggie. =)

Bus Mik: Ah

Bus Mik: Cool

Bus Mik: :-)

GwydapLlew: *G*

Bus Mik: Alicia keeps making fun of me for it

Bus Mik: Since its all obscure and only "cool" smart classics geeks like us get it

GwydapLlew: One of the theories behind the name is that Twilight and Dusk were his favorite times (Hermes, that is) and so Argephontes could literally mean 'He who brings light to the sky)

GwydapLlew: *grins* ayup!

Bus Mik: OOH!!!

Bus Mik: That is a perfect addition to the list of reasons why it works!

Bus Mik: I still don't get the connection between that and the slaying of the Argus

GwydapLlew: Another thought is that, as messenger, he eases Zeus' burdens, so 'lightening the sky' could go along that line

Bus Mik: Yeah, I knew that one

GwydapLlew: There is no connection that I could find

GwydapLlew: Other than that he enchanted Argus at Zeus' xommand

Bus Mik: Yeah

GwydapLlew: er, command

Bus Mik: But its like they connect the name with that- maybe either the common example

GwydapLlew: *nods*

Bus Mik: or it could be like a pretty epithet as a _reward_ for good service

Bus Mik: Which is also cool.

GwydapLlew: *nods* That's what I was thinking, as well

GwydapLlew: Like Bellerophon being named "Horsemaster" after taming pegasus

GwydapLlew: that sorta thing

Bus Mik: But the association is important in my theory, because of the whole ego-peacock thing

And there you have it, folks.  
  OH Jesus.

Its not a good idea to be near to falling out while you are at work.

Example: You have a freaking hernia because you thought you deleted the email that had the link and instructions to downloading a very important database on to your computer, and the guy that put it there (and hence the only other person who knows where it is) is gone. Then you realize, as you have reached your last straw and are about to start crying, that DUH. You downloaded that database like 2 months ago, and you've even done some work with it.

Another Example: After you have begun to calm down from your imagined fiasco, you decide you are going to crack down and get to work. You decide you've got too many programs running, cuz doesn't that big ol' database make your computer run a bit slow? So you start closing programs that you aren't using anymore, and when it asks if you'd like to save that nice spreadsheet you spent a FUCKING HOUR ON THIS MORNING you click "No," because you inserted the memory of what you did to it on FRIDAY in place of what you did this morning, which was a one time thing and not something that you wanted kept.  
  Moving Update:

This time, my slacking ass actually has something to report. All the furniture is moved. Thank god.

Sore! Sore! Sore! My legs ache, and my arms ache, my back aches, and I'm massively exhausted. You have no idea how hard it was to drag myself out of bed to take the U-haul back and go to work at 8:00 this morning.

We also packed far more last week than we thought we had. We added to that Saturday - all the books, the kitchen, and the office are mostly at the new house. What's left is knicknacks, everything in the closets, and a bunch of random junk that needs to be sorted through. Oh, and the art is still on the walls. And the video tapes and cds are there. And the tv. Some kitchen appliances.

I'm going to stop listing what hasn't been packed yet, because it seems like more when I break it down than it was in my head.

But. We did a lot. And it feels really good. I like the new house. It feels... homey. Right. Life is good (albeit busy and full of achy-ness and godawful tiredness).  
Beware of rambling, babbling, sillyness, really long yet grammatically correct sentences, and occasional bouts of wisdom.

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