It's really sad that I'm so used to using a computer for just about everything that when I have to handwrite something my hand cramps all up. I feel like I've betrayed something.
It's now officially The Last Minute before I leave town- after being essentially idle for 2 weeks while my boss was in Cambridge, I have a trillion things to do (if you're wondering, I'm resting my crampy hand right now). She's actually leaving on Thursday, so all the things that relate to her in any way must be done by the end of tomorrow, and then I can finish up whatever's left on Thursday.
And that's just the work part- I've also got to manage laundry, cleaning my house, getting Puck's medicine refilled, getting the passenger seatbelt fixed in my car, getting Ryan's oil changed, etc. between work and softball games (of which there are three this week). Not to mention down time to sit on my ass, which is important.
Why, oh why do I always wait until the last minute to do things? The car stuff is ok, I was waiting on a damned paycheck. But I could have cleaned my house this weekend. I did do some laundry, but it all has to be put away now. Grrr. I almost want to just stay at work to avoid going home and having work to do.
Although I did clean out and Rain-X my car this weekend. Except for the stuck seatbelt, it's ready to go.
I think there are only 2 degrees of separation among everyone in Oxford. For example, one of the students that was in Cambridge had an Ordeal at the Atlanta airport (doesn't everyone?) and ended up coming in on the same plane as my boss. She offered her a ride with us, and it turns out she's the girlfriend of the guy who lived in the apartment across the hall from my old apartment - the same apartment that the girl whose wedding I skipped used to live in. And then when I moved he moved across the hall into
my old apartment. So I took her home to my old place.
And my boss brought me back presents. I have a tee-shirt, and a little watercolor print of one of the bridges, and a 1907 printing of
The Woman In White. I've never read it, but I just like old books. I can add it to my collection. :) I really didn't expect to be brought back three presents- really I figured I would get a little paperweight or a magnet or somesuch that said "Cambridge" on it. I had guilt over the genorosity, so I bought her a coffee when I walked over to Starbucks, which I managed to slosh onto my top trying to put away my sunglasses, hold 2 large cups, and walk up stairs at the same time. So. As usual, before the morning is up, i've got a coffee stain.
The worst part is that it wasn't even my coffee.