I haven't bitched about how much I hate Microsoft in a long time... probably largely due to the fact that I have been seduced and lulled into [False] security with XP.
Let me just say. AutoRecover? A bunch of crap. This particular computer (since I've worked here I've gone through about 5, but 3 don't count because they were in the same day) has NEVER given me any shit, except for being relatively slowish. However, yesterday afternoon, it decided to freeze. I have since found out that whatever caused the freezing was a network issue, because several other people's machine froze at the same time. The suck part though, is that I was working on a rather important, rather tedious spreadsheet, that of course I hadn't bothered to save all that recently. When I quit having to write papers, I kind of lost that impulse to compulsively click the "save" icon after every other sentence.
It was too close to time to go home to bother waiting for the computer to reboot, so I put some things in the mail and went home. I finally get around to opening the spreadsheet I'd been working on this morning.
Seven - I kid you not - AutoRecover documents pop up. And not a single damn one of them is worth anything. Absolutely nothing that I had worked on was evident in any of them.
Stupid frustration. Stupid stupid autorecover trying to trick you into thinking its ok. Stupid having to go back and redo all of it. Gah!
Bourbon is the secret ingredient to fabulous brownies.
I swear, I have yet to make anything that a splash a bourbon doesn't improve.
Whoo! A
poem-generator ( link ganked from
Alicia). It's a hoot. She posted a good one from my site (you can scroll down her page to find it - permalinks are all screwy), and I got this one:
Argephontes About 5 minutes or 2.
minutes of jail.
It did. turn it takes
to do not
in disgust the restaurant that smell,
more momentarily never been
reading this time not
so strange a
march than
he says, well,
my head saying, Nooo ,
not Scarlett [ Join Now | at work call
that I have
own mother on the
Dudley little across the game one
place already rained on campus.
Once in existence.
my boys are out. I probably would have been a lot more upset if it weren't for the tornado warnings and the severe weather that kept cutting into my game watching time. It was so surreal, I keep reminding myself that the game actually happened. Course, I missed just about everything from about 5 minutes into the 2nd period until the last 2 minutes of the game, because the sattelite cut out and I was sitting in the hallway, anyway. So there.
They are warning of the possiblity of more shit weather tonight - at least thunderstorms. It already rained on my hockey parade (well, more of a trail-of-tears march than a parade, really), so the weather better hold up long enough for me watch
Buffy tonight. Do NOT pre-empt
Buffy. No one watches UPN for the weather updates. None of that No Signal BS on the sattellite, either.
And oh, yeah - you know what's awesome about New Jersey? THERE ARE NO TORNADOS. Seriously, when I move I'm going to have a ceremonial hurling of the damned weather radio into the kudzu out behind my house.
I am the Queen of Procrastination. So says... well, anyone who knows me, really. I was talking to my own mother on the phone the other night, and I told her that I was working on getting the books and things on the shelves packed over this weekend. She sounded all shocked, and I asked why she was so surprised. "Well," she said, "It's just so unlike you to, you know. DO things early." Alicia has essentially said the same thing.
Like today, when I realized that I made up an extra weekend in May that does not exist between now and the date I plan to have my yard sale. I didn't get as much done this weekend as I planned to (Thanks, Nate!), and I started to have an IM flip out, which she calmly talked me down from based on the idea that, because I'm a procrastinator, I shouldn't have even bothered because I'm only setting myself up for dissappointment (Only she managed to do this in an oddly motivational and encouraging way... go figure).
Me + scheduling things doesn't work. Just ask anyone, apparently. Out of rebellion, I still plan to try to tackle at least the big bookshelf in the office tonight. Sometime. After dinner, and the Flyers game, maybe...