"...Them heart-shaped booties is back in style"
-Taj Mahal
I added a new page so that I'll stop littering the blog with tags from the plethora of online quizzes that I go through. So that way, if you _like_ them, then you can find them there. And if you don't, then you can ignore them. Unless you are some curious and strange bastard who just wants to delve into my psyche. In that case, you can go look, too.
I just got the following IM message:
CharlizeT 315: Hey, come watch me play with my tutor, I got board and well, biology can be fun. Did I mention I'm female, and so is my tutor? Watch me Learn
This has got to be the worst thing I've ever seen. Worse than the little naked Japanese boyband. In a bad car accident you-can't-tear-your-eyes-off-it sort of way. David Hasselhoff has issues. He frightens me.
I'm getting there. I don't suck, but I've got a ways to go.
Flash back to about a year ago. Ryan is playing Anarchy Online sometime in the wee hours, across the street (he is a lucky bastard who works across the street from our current apartment. T1 line on a better machine, or 56K on his shitty ass computer-- you choose). I'm in bed asleep. Someone notices that they are playing from the same town and messages him. "Do we know eachother?" he asks. They exchange names, and it turns out that they don't. But since they're talking, they start fishing around. Who are your people, maybe I know them, right? So Ryan mentions me. And you know who this guy is? Of all the people in the world, its the first boy I ever kissed, dug up from the bowels of my high school years. Ryan tells him he's my boyfriend, and he says, "Oh. Mikkie McGregor. Yeah, I know her. We hooked up once." So Ryan comes tearing ass across the street to wake me up and ask me who the hell this guy is. The little punk made it sound like... you know. I assured Ryan that all we did was make out a bit, and I was thirteen (fourteen?) at the time, no big deal. Small world, right?
Ok. 10 minutes ago. I'm standing in the ID Center, because I've never gotten a staff ID made, and my old student ID is so archaic it won't swipe anymore. While I'm waiting for my new ID to be ready, the girls working there are talking about this guy. "He's so mellow, you know?" says girl number one. Girl number two: "Well, I heard C__W___ used to be SUCH a playa." My head snaps up. I
know that guy. And he
was a playa. Then girl number one says , "Really?" Girl number two: "Well... a player to
Ok. I wasn't Miss Cool-y Cool in High School. CERTAINLY not freshman year. But. Geek? Ok, well, maybe. I'm still a geek. But that's not the point, and I got the impression they meant "This one time! At Band Camp!" kind of geek, not "I like Star Wars and play Final Fantasy" kind of geek. Is it really that bad? And I should not have shame. Because that's silly. But notice the lack of posting his name.
So. Dude. Quit resurfacing in my reality in these bizarre freak-me-the-hell-out sort of ways. If I ran into you at Wal-mart like normal people do, it would be no big deal. You would be that guy from high school. There would be no weirdness. No shame. No oddball stories to post on the blog. And that would be
50%, eh? Must have been the Hockey questions.
Poor, poor kid.
I got an e-mail in on the generic info address that I manage from someone in Southeast Asia who supposedly graduated in August 2001, but hasn't ever received his diploma. So I looked him up on the Student Information System and, apparently, he was never cleared for graduation. So for almost 2 years, this kid has thought that he had a bachelor's degree and the University was just a little slow in getting it to him. And he certainly isn't in a position to come take a class or anything. Poor kid. Although, why it took nearly two years for him to think to inquire about his diploma is beyond me. But still. I can't help but feel a little bad for him.
Jesus Christ I took some freaking quizzes yesterday. Dude. It's all Alicia's fault, for not being at work for me to talk to.

Your the boy cut. You love to get out and be yourself. Getting down
and dirty is a very familiar thing to you. You live an active live style
and you simply love it, you go where life takes you.
Which underwear are you?
Oh yeah. Signifigance of the last post: My people are from Louisiana. My roots, if you will. I personally am from Mississippi. Ryan and I are planning to probably move to North Carolina in the next few years, because it's in between our families (He's Jersey, remember?), and its a nice compromise between North and South. So. I thought that was kinda cool.
# 2 was Mississippi, #3 North Carolina. All Right!
Well thats about the fucked-uppest test ever. Weird.
*Take This Test!*
By the way-- despite the crack-addled coolness of the tests, Digital Monkey will KILL YOU with pop-ups. BEWARE, yo.
I should have worn my boots this morning. It's raining, wet, and nasty outside, and my dumb ass wore flip-flops. And since it's raining, all the students are parked in faculty/staff parking. I came back from lunch and parked in the furthest parking space in the furthest lot that has any relation to the business school. I suppose it would be further had I parked in, say, the Coliseum lot, but I'd say the GHM (some dorms) lot is about as far away from the bschool as I'm willing to park. Anyhoo, in the flip-flops, with my long jeans. So the bottoms of my jeans are dripping, and the whole time I'm walking, I'm having to clench my shoes with my toes to keep them from sliding off my feet because they got all wet and slippery. Grrrr.
In other news, Tenacious D ROCKED. It was the strangest concert I've ever been to. I mean, you've got the D, and they are totally unique to begin with. Add in an opening band (
GreasePaint) that plays circus-themed bluesy rock while dressed as scary clowns (with Monkey-Girl dancers and a guy on stilts to boot) and you've already got enough bizarre-ity and weirdness to last you a lifetime. Then take it to Birmingham, AL and put it on at the
Sloss Furnace, an honest to god, old-time furnace that looks like it could come crashing down on your head at ANY TIME, and damn if it ain't the fucked-uppest thing I think I have ever or will ever see. It was awesome.
Oh yeah. One of the clowns wasn't wearing any pants.
Oh shit! I didn't actually _read_ it-- I was just like, "Oh, Jo. Duh."
So, ok. THE INCESTUAL LESBIAN RELATIONSHIP WITH THE SISTERS-- Eeww. That's totally rude. I _love_ Little Women.
Which Winona Are You?
I didn't even see it coming, but it's so glaringly obvious... I should have.
Which Angelina Are You?
Tee! (Thanks to Justine... I am the internet quiz maniac-- how did I miss
this one?).